MPS PS-12 Fine & Performing Arts
At Milton Public Schools, our team of educators strives to support all our students in developing their artistic abilities in a way that allows them to create original works that align with the artist's intent. Our students are encouraged to present and perform their creative works for others, respond to the structure and context of artistic works, and make connections about the impact of the arts on oneself, history, and culture. We believe that by engaging our students in fine and performing arts experiences, we help to instill a lifelong appreciation and understanding of the arts. All students will become skilled in the four components of the creative process as outlined by the National Standards for the Arts and the MA State Arts Frameworks. The Standards for Artistic Practice describe the process and skills students will learn throughout the elementary, middle, and high school years. Our team of educators follows the MA Arts Curriculum Framework which establishes all students to develop artistic literacy through active participation in the arts, expressing creative ideas with skill, confidence, and artistic intent.
Our approach is to build a solid foundation of knowledge, skills, and understanding of artistic practices while fostering cooperative skills necessary for collective artistic expression. We aim to develop skills that are transferable to all areas of life, including self-discipline, perseverance, teamwork, empathy, and curiosity. By doing this, we empower our students to make cultural connections and gain a greater appreciation and understanding of differing points of view.