General Tech Support
Given the high volume of emails we are experiencing, please refer to the Technology Checklist and Status Page for assistance before reaching out to the MPS Help Desk. If you still need help, please email
App/Platform Specific Help
Below is the contact information for who to contact when having issues on a specific app or platform.
Reset PowerSchoool (Family or Student) Password:

Click “Forgot Username or Password?”
Need Student's Google Credentials
Elementary - Email your student's classroom teacher
Pierce - Jess Royster
Reset Google Password
Elementary - Collicot & Cunningham - Sara Doherty (Please include your child's full name, school, and teacher in your request)
Elementary - Glover & Tucker - Jen Van Hill (Please include your child's full name, school, and teacher in your request)
Pierce - Jess Royster
Into Math - Brian Selig, MPS Math Director
Reach for Reading - Cat DesRoche, K-8 Literacy Director
Lexia - Vy Vu, MPS Director of Data & Analytics